
Beauty Skin Glow Breakfast
This delicious natural: Beauty Skin Slow Breakfast is prepared in 5 minutes and lets you shine.

Beauty ice cream
This refreshingly delicious, creamy natural: Beauty ice cream is prepared in 5 minutes and provides you with special beauty nutrients.

Oriental lens wrap
Jamu: Magic lens wrap - a full and delicious meal with the special nutrient plus for resistance and cell protection.

No: Coffee Energy Latte
No: Coffee recipes with the traditionally Ayurvedic nutrient complex of particularly exquisite ingredients for better regeneration and a sustainably increased energy level.

Focus-breaking trunk trunk
With this delicious Keen: Mind Power breakfast drink you start powerful and focus on your day.

Chocolate cup
Still the desire for sweets without repentance. With the delicious choco: Magic cup cake. The tender melting, warm and chocolatey delicious cup cake with the special nutrient plus.

Iced banana protein-shake
The Iced Banana Shake with Joy Naturals Vegan-Carrot: Protein is a particularly delicious and simple variant to enjoy the most valuable proteins.

Protein carrot
Simply prepared, this delicious vegan barrot provides you: proteins carrot shake for high-quality protein complex carbohydrates.

Puff bean pumpkin salad with vegan-red bed: protein dressing
This wonderful puff bean dish provides you with a lot of vegetable protein and fiber. The crispy hemp seeds as topping rounds it off perfectly.