Schnell & himmlisch leckere Pasta mit Avocado

Fast & heavenly delicious pasta with avocado

When hunger calls and time is of the essence, this recipe is just right for you! Our pasta solution combines speed and freshness and conjures up a delicious dish on your table in no time. With the ...
Saftige Zucchini-Muffins mit Dattelzucker und Mandelprotein-Porridge

Juicy zucchini muffins with date sugar and almond protein porridge

These juicy muffins are the perfect snack: fresh zucchini meets the healthy sweetness of date sugar and nutritious almond protein porridge. The result is a delicious treat that not only tempts but ...
Dieser Zitronen-Ingwer Eistee verbindet die Frische von Zitronen, der angenehmen leichten Schärfe von Ingwer und dem wohltuenden Geschmack von Zimt und Kurkuma.

Lemon-ginger iced tea - particularly good for high lung (wind) 🌬

This drink is particularly suitable for the Lung type as it is refreshing and has a light effect suitable for Lung types. The black tea provides energy while the lemon juice and mint provide a refr...
Summer Drink - Vorteilhaft für alle Doshas (Lung, Tripa, Beken) 🌍🏔🌬🔥

Summer Drink - Beneficial for all doshas (Lung, Tripa, Beken) 🌍🏔🌬🔥

This summer drink is a refreshing choice for all constitution types. It combines mineral water and rice milk for a light texture and refreshing taste. The addition of jamu:MAGIC and keen:MIND not o...
Die cremige Textur der Kichererbsen verbindet sich harmonisch mit Erdnussmus, dattel:ZUCKER, choco:MAGIC und Hafermilch - genieße die Cookies und tue dabei deiner Gesundheit etwas Gutes!

Choco peanut cookies

These delicious cookies are made with a protein-rich and incredibly tasty ingredient - chickpeas! The creamy texture of the chickpeas combines harmoniously with peanut butter, date:SUGAR, choco:MAG...
natural:BEAUTY Joghurt mit knusprigem Granola - ein Hochgenuss mit dem nachhaltig wirkenden Beauty-Nährstoffplus.

Beauty yoghurt and granola

Natural: Beauty yogurt with crispy granola - a pleasure with the sustainable beauty nutrient plus by Joy Natural.
Fruchtig leckere keen:MIND Mango-Bananen-Bowl mit dem besonderen Nährstoffplus für Fokus und mentale Stärke.

Mango banana bowl

Fruity delicious keen: Mind Mango banana bowl with the special nutrient plus for focus and mental strength of Joy Naturals.
green:ANGEL Pflaumen Bliss Balls - der chlorophyllreiche Power-Snack für zwischendurch sorgt für körperliche Entgiftung und Reinigung.

Plum bliss balls

Green: Angel Pflaumen Bliss Balls - the chlorophyllous power snack for in between ensures physical detoxification and cleaning.
choco:MAGIC Nussliebe ist die beste Rohkostschokolade mit deinem Nährstoffplus zum Selbermachen. Die Süße bestimmst du dabei selbst!

Chocolate love love

Choco: Magic nut love is the best raw chocolate with your nutrient plus to make yourself. You determine the sweetness yourself from a natural date: sugar, honey or vegan syrup.