Mit diesem cremig leckeren keen:MIND Dattel-Latte, für Fokus und mentale Stärke, startest du genussvoll in deinen Tag.

Creamy date latte

With this creamy delicious keen: Mind for focus and mental strength, you start enjoyable in .


  • 2 ML (4 g) keen:MIND
  • 250 ml Oat Barista
  • 1 date (without pit) or 1 teaspoon date:SUGAR
  • 1/2 ML jamu:MAGIC (optional)

Here's how it's done:

  1. Cut the dates into small pieces and heat them with the oat barista.
  2. Stir in 2 ml of keen:MIND and use a hand blender or mixer to froth until creamy.
  3. Sprinkle 1/2 ml jamu:MAGIC over it and stir a little.

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