Entdecke die Geheimnisse deiner Gesundheit: Die Macht der Tibetischen Konstitutionstypologie

Discover the secrets of your health: the power of Tibetan constitutional typology

Welcome to our exciting blog where we explore the fascinating world of Tibetan Medicine and the conceptualization of constitutional typology! Have you ever wondered why some people love certain foods while others find them problematic?

Or why some of us thrive in certain environments while others feel uncomfortable? In this blog we delve into the unique world of Tibetan constitutional typology, led by Prof. Dr. Florian Überall, a renowned expert with over 15 years of consulting experience in this field. From the meaning of the Lung, Tripa and Beken energies to practical tips for adjusting your diet and lifestyle - let yourself be surprised and inspired by the secrets of your own health!

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Recognize your Constitutional Type According to Tibetan Medicine: A Path to Holistic Well-Being

Have you ever wondered why some people prefer certain foods or feel more comfortable in certain environments than others? Tibetan medicine offers a fascinating approach to answering these questions through the conceptualization of constitutional types known as "Lung," "Tripa," and "Beken."

These types reflect individual physical, emotional and mental characteristics and provide a key to a holistic understanding of our health and well-being.

Tibetische Buddhas

What does the constitutional type indicate?

Tibetan medicine views humans as a complex interplay of five elements - earth, water, fire, air and space - and three energies or "doshas" known as Lung, Tripa and Beken. Each constitutional type represents a unique combination of these elements and energies:

Lung: The Lung type is dominated by the energy of wind and is often creative, enthusiastic and quick-thinking. Lung types tend to have imbalances in the autonomic nervous system and the hormonal system and quickly become stressed and nervous.

Tripa: The Tripa type is ruled by the energy of fire and is often goal-oriented, passionate and determined. They are convincing, captivating and devastatingly charming. Tripa types have strong digestion and are prone to heat and inflammation and sweat easily.

Beken: The Beken type is characterized by the energy of water and earth and is often calm, stable and patient. Beken types have balanced digestion, but tend to experience sluggishness and heaviness.

Macht der Konstitutionstypologie

Why is it important to know your constitutional type?

Understanding your Tibetan Medicine constitutional type can help you live a life that is more suited to your individual well-being. Here are some reasons why it is important to know your constitutional type:

Personalized healthcare: By understanding your constitutional type, you can adjust your diet, lifestyle and daily habits to avoid imbalances and promote your health.

Effective healing approaches: Choosing remedies and therapies that suit your constitutional type can improve the effectiveness of treatment and lead to faster results.

Prevention of diseases: Living in harmony with your constitutional type can help prevent disease because you are better able to respond to imbalances early on.

Tibetischer Mediziner

Living in harmony with your constitutional type

Most people have an imbalance between the three energies Lung, Tripa and Beken. However, if you know which energy is strongest or weakest in you, you can take specific measures to balance these energies.

By adjusting your diet, lifestyle and daily routines according to your constitutional type, you can contribute to a more harmonious balance of energies.

Balance through nutrition: By choosing foods and flavors that suit your constitutional type, you can reduce the excessive Reduce the dominance of an energy and the strengthen others.For example, Lung types may benefit from calming and grounding foods, while Tripa types might benefit from cooling and anti-inflammatory foods.

Lifestyle adjustments: Your daily lifestyle can also help support the balance of energies. For example, Lung types may benefit from regular relaxation exercises such as yoga or meditation, while Tripa types could benefit from stress-reducing activities and a structured schedule.

bitter substances and herbs: The use of Bitters and herbs can also help balance energies and promote well-being. For example, calming scents like lavender can help with excess lung, while cooling herbs like mint can help with excess tripa.

By integrating these tips and recommendations into your daily life, you can help to promote balance of your energies and so to more well-being, energy and health If you are ready to learn more about your constitutional type and how you can apply it to your life, we recommend you read our constitutional type determination test close.

This test can provide you with valuable insights and help you personalized strategies for your health and well-being. By understanding our own constitutional type, we can live a life that suits us better and leads to holistic well-being.

Discover your constitutional type according to Tibetan medicine: A path to holistic well-being

Florian und Andrea Überall

Prof. Dr. Florian Überall and his wife Dr. Andrea Überall are renowned experts in the field of Tibetan medicine with over 25 years of consulting experience. Their many years of expertise is included in our constitutional type test, which is based on sound scientific findings and practical experience based.

In your many years of practical experience were repeatedly amazing experiences with the constitutional typology They were able to observe how certain illnesses occur in people with an unbalanced dominance of a certain energy.

But the exciting thing is: These illnesses can often be avoided by simple preventive measures, by following the principles of Tibetan medicine and eating according to one's constitutional type.

What makes this research particularly fascinating is the scientific confirmationthat the constitutional typology often with the settlement certain intestinal bacteria correlated.

Studies have shown that certain constitutional types have a predisposition to certain bacterial strains have what the importance of nutrition and lifestyle for gut health and overall well-being.

Through our collaboration with Prof. Dr. Florian Überall and Dr. Andrea Überall and the integration of their extensive experience into our constitutional type test, we can offer our customers a in-depth and personal insight in their individual health.

Because by Understanding the Principles of Tibetan Medicine and apply it, we can live a life that is harmony with our natural constitution and leads us to holistic well-being.

Click here and determine your constitutional type now.