choco:MAGIC Nussliebe ist die beste Rohkostschokolade mit deinem Nährstoffplus zum Selbermachen. Die Süße bestimmst du dabei selbst!

Chocolate love love

Choco: Magic nut love is the best raw chocolate with your nutrient plus to make yourself. You determine the sweetness yourself from a natural date: sugar, honey or vegan syrup.
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  • 20 g choco:MAGIC
  • 80 g maple syrup, rice syrup or date sugar
  • 50 g dried sour cherries
  • 70 g of fine:COCOA BEANS
  • 50 g of noble:COCOA POWDER
  • 200 g mixed nuts (whole)
  • 120 g of noble:COCOA BUTTER
  • 1 pinch of salt

Here's how it's done:

  1. Put the cocoa butter in a bowl and let it melt in a water bath.
  2. In the meantime, mix all the powders together.
  3. Pour liquid cocoa butter into the powder mix and stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture is nice and smooth.
  4. Then fold in the nuts and sour cherries.
  5. Spread evenly on a baking tray lined with baking paper so that the chocolate is nice and thin.
  6. Place in the freezer for 15 minutes and then break into pieces.

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