
Dressing - topping for salad or vegetables
Jamu: Magic Dressing is a delight for salads or vegetables with a special pleasure with the special nutrient plus for resistance and cell protection.

Chocolate-fornuss-avocado cream
The delicious peanut vocado cream dessert supplies iodine from biological source, which we need for the normal function of the thyroid gland.

Raw food tart
These raw food tarts are a pleasure - and not only spoil with good taste, but also deliver the special nutrient plus from Jamu: Magic.

Quinoa Hair porridge with apple sauce
This delicious quinoa-harness with apple sauce is prepared in just 5 minutes and strengthens your resistance with Jamu: Magic and protects your cells.

Vegan cheese sauce
This delicious vegan cheese sauce tastes greatly to a wide variety of pasta dishes, over salad, fish or as a taco sauce.

Simple apple pie
Tastes wonderfully juicy and delicious. The natural sweetness in the fiber network ensures a wonderful aroma and represents a delicious change to conventional sweeteners.

Pumpkin-apple banana bread with apple sauce
Eat anti -inflammatory food! It is so easy with the Jamu: Magic Highlight as an ingredient to this incredibly delicious recipe.

Immune system booster tonic
If the neck ? scratches this hot Jamu: Magic Tonic immediately remedy noticeable. Pleasant in taste and beneficial.

Pumpkin muffins
Super delicious pumpkin muffins with Joy Natural Dattel: Sugar from 100% organic datel powder sweetened, plus an extra portion of vitamins made of Kids-Fit: Cacao "Affenst strong for the whole family"