Dieser köstlich, vitaminreiche Smoothie mit feinem Schoko-Minze Geschmack liefert dir eine Portion pflanzliches Eiweiß von 20 g und dein Körper erhält zeltreinigende Nährstoffe auf höchster Ebene.


This delicious, vitamin-rich smoothie with a fine chocolate mint taste provides you with a portion of herbal protein of 20 g and your body receives tent cleaning nutrients at the highest level.


  • 1 banana (frozen in pieces)
  • 1 large tablespoon of peanut butter
  • 200 ml almond milk (or other plant milk)
  • 1 ML green:ANGEL
  • 1 heaped teaspoon choco:MAGIC
  • Topping: Some peanut butter, chocolate chips, banana pieces and peanuts.

Here's how it's done:

  1. Mix all ingredients together in a blender until creamy, pour into a glass, garnish with toppings and serve and enjoy.

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