Dieser Beauty Smoothie mit Granatapfelsaft und beauty:STAR Kollagen & Hyaluron ist natürliches Anti-Aging pur.

Beauty Graneapple Smoothie

This beauty smoothie with pomegranate juice and beauty: star collagen & hyaluron is a natural anti-aging pure. One glass a day ensures healthy skin and slowed down the aging process significantly.


  • Juice of 1 pomegranate freshly squeezed or pure from the bottle (200 ml)
  • 1-2 tablespoons vegan-redbeet:PROTEIN
  • 2 ML beauty:STAR
  • 200 ml rice milk

Here's how it's done:

  1. To make freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, simply cut the fruit into pieces and squeeze it with a lemon press.
  2. Then put all ingredients in a shaker and shake vigorously.

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