no:COFFEE mit dem traditionell ayurvedischen Nährstoffkomplex aus besonders erlesenen Zutaten für bessere Regeneration und ein nachhaltig gesteigertes Energielevel.

No: Coffee Energy Latte

No: Coffee recipes with the traditionally Ayurvedic nutrient complex of particularly exquisite ingredients for better regeneration and a sustainably increased energy level.
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  • 2 heaped ML no:COFFEE
  • 100 ml hot water (max. 80° C)
  • 100 ml oat barista
  • Tip: Be sure to use oat barista, this refines the taste and makes the preparation deliciously creamy.

Here's how it's done:

  1. Pour 2 heaped ml of no:COFFEE into a cup.
  2. Pour in hot water and stir with a spoon.
  3. Pour in slightly warmed oat barista (froth in a shaker).

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