Mit diesem köstlichen keen:MIND Power Frühstücks-Trunk startest du leistungsstark und fokussiert in deinen Tag.

Focus-breaking trunk trunk

With this delicious Keen: Mind Power breakfast drink you start powerful and focus on your day.
Chocolate cup You read Focus-breaking trunk trunk 1 minute Further No: Coffee Energy Latte


  • 1 ML keen:MIND
  • 1 tablespoon bio:HEMP OIL
  • 100 ml of water
  • 2 dates (optional)
  • 20 g organic HEMP SEEDS (peeled)
  • 200 ml plant milk
  • 1 small banana (optional)

Here's how it's done:

  1. Heat 100 ml of water.
  2. Cut seedless dates and place them in the water with bio:HEMP SEEDS and let them steep for a few minutes.
  3. Add all remaining ingredients and mix until fluffy.
  4. enJOY and feel the energy

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