Mit ganz wenig Aufwand lässt sich dieses wunderbare Dessert für bezaubernde Genussmomente mit dem besonderen Nährstoffplus aus jamu:MAGIC zubereiten.

Apple recharge almond dessert

With very little effort, this wonderful dessert can be prepared for enchanting moments of pleasure with the special nutrient plus from Jamu: Magic.


  • 50 g almonds (coarsely ground)
  • 1 tbsp date:SUGAR
  • 100 g creamy natural yoghurt or vegan substitute
  • 6 tablespoons applesauce
  • 2 teaspoons almond butter
  • 1 ML jamu:MAGIC

Here's how it's done:

  1. Roast coarsely ground almonds with date:SUGAR in a pan without fat until fragrant and divide into two glasses.
  2. Pour the yoghurt into the glasses.
  3. Mix applesauce with almond butter and jamu:MAGIC and also pour into the glasses.
  4. Serve garnished with a cinnamon stick or almond slivers.

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