Wärmende Linsensuppe mit jamu:MAGIC - Gewürz Topping - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Beken Anteil 🌍🏔

Warming lentil soup with jamu:MAGIC - spice topping - especially balancing with high Beken content 🌍🏔

This recipe is particularly balancing for Beken types. The red lentils it contains provide a rich source of protein and are easy to digest. The vegetables such as onions, carrots and potatoes provi...
Sonniger Herbst-Smoothie - besonders gut bei hohem Beken (Erde) 🌍🏔

Sunny autumn smoothie - especially good for high temperatures (soil) 🌍🏔

This recipe is great for high-calorie snacks because it offers a combination of fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy omega-3 fatty acids from chia seeds. The orange and carrot provide vitamin C an...
Special Golden Milk mit jamu:MAGIC - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Beken Anteil 🌍🏔

Special Golden Milk with jamu:MAGIC - particularly balancing with a high Beken content 🌍🏔

This recipe for Golden Milk with almond milk, jamu:MAGIC and dates is especially balancing for those with high Beken levels. Beken types tend to have a robust body structure and slow digestion. The...
Einfaches Kürbisrisotto mit jamu:MAGIC - besonders ausgleichend für Personen mit einem hohen Tripa-Anteil 🔥

Simple pumpkin risotto with jamu:MAGIC - especially balancing for people with a high Tripa content 🔥

This pumpkin puree with risotto recipe is especially balancing for those high in Tripa. Tripa types tend to have a finer body structure and a fast metabolism. They tend to be creative and enthusias...
Thai-Gemüse-Curry mit jamu:MAGIC

Thai vegetable curry with Jamu: Magic

In the hectic rush hour of life, sometimes you forget to take a break and treat yourself to a warm, nourishing meal. Well, this recipe is a friendly reminder that you deserve to be pampered with th...
Karottenpudding mit jamu:MAGIC

Carrot pudding with Jamu: Magic

Exquisite Carrot-Coconut Magic Pudding For all culinary enthusiasts and those who care about their health: Here we present a recipe that harmoniously combines taste and well-being. Let yourself be...
Crispy Apfel-Joghurt-Mandelporridge mit Jamu - besonders für Beken-Typen (Erde) 🌍🏔

Crispy Apple-Yoghurt-Mandel Porridge with Jamu

This recipe is particularly suitable for Beken types due to its balanced combination of proteins, fiber and carbohydrates. The almond protein porridge provides a good source of protein, while the J...
Mandel-Protein-Porridge mit den adaptogenen Nährstoffen aus jamu:MAGIC

Almond porridge breakfast bowl

Experience the energy and health benefits of this delicious power porridge that will stimulate your senses with almond:PROTEIN and jamu:MAGIC. With just a few ingredients, you can conjure up a nutr...
Zweierlei Hummus mit gegrilltem Gemüse - wertvoll für alle Doshas (Lung, Tripa, Beken) 🌍🏔🌬🔥

Two kinds of hummus with grilled vegetables - valuable for all doshas (Lung, Tripa, Beken) 🌍🏔🌬🔥

This recipe is suitable for all body types as it offers a balanced mix of healthy ingredients. The chickpeas provide fiber and protein, which are beneficial for all types. The tahini provides healt...