Biologically active messengers to support stress management and balance
Adaptogens are an important component of herbal medicine. They are biologically active messengersthat help the human organism, better with deal with stressful situations.
They work balancing and can have calming or invigorating effects depending on the individual's condition. Adaptogenic botanicals have been known in traditional medicine for centuries and are gaining increasing recognition in Western medicine.
Scientific basis and mode of action of adaptogens
The term "adaptogen" was coined in 1947 by the Russian pharmacologist Nicolai Lazarev and is derived from "adapt". Adaptogens are substances that help our body to adapt to different stress factors and a balance to preserve.
They work regulating and balancingby adapting to the individual adapt to the state of our organism.
If we extremely anxious are, can Adaptogens make us calmer. They have a calming effect when we are stressed, and when we feeling exhausted, you can uplifting effect have. You have a harmonizing effect on our psyche, our Sleep and our Immune system.
Typical uses for adaptogens in traditional medicine include:
- stress and anxiety
- states of exhaustion
- Depressive moods
- weak immune system
- irritable bowel syndrome
Adaptogens are used in the traditional naturopathy used to treat various health problems, including:
Stress and anxiety: Adaptogens can help reduce stress and the stress reduction of the body to regulateYou can also help to symptoms of anxiety disorders to mitigate.
Ashwagandha is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a tonic adaptogen. It can reduce stress, improve mental and physical improve performance and support sleep quality.
states of exhaustion: Adaptogens can help tiredness, exhaustion and supportive of burnout.
You can help the restore energy and vitalityby using the stabilize the nervous system and bring the regulatory processes in the body into balance. By taking adaptogens, the Resilience to stress factors increased to prevent excessive demands in everyday life.
Depressive moods: Adaptogens can help depressive moods work and help to balance mood swings.
The combination of adaptogens: It is often useful to combine different adaptogens to combineto their synergistic effect to use and a holistic support The exact composition and dosage of the adaptogen can vary depending on individual needs.
Conclusion: Adaptogens are natural substances that help our body better cope with stress and maintain a healthy balance.
They are used in various traditions of natural medicine and have become increasingly established in Western medicine. Adaptogens such as Ashwagandha, Chaga, Turmeric, can help reduce stress, increase energy and vitality, strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being.
By combining adaptogens, their positive effects can be enhanced.