Einfacher Schoko-Chia-Pudding mit einer Prise Chili - besonders wertvoll bei hohem Beken-Anteil (Erde) 🌍🏔

Simple chocolate chia pudding with a pinch of chili - especially valuable with a high Beken content (earth) 🌍🏔

The recipe for chia chocolate pudding with choco:MAGIC powder is an excellent choice for the Beken type. It contains healthy ingredients such as chia seeds, almond milk and fruits that are rich in nutrients and can support good digestive function. The choco:MAGIC powder gives the pudding a delicious chocolate taste while also containing valuable nutrients. The addition of cinnamon and a pinch of chili can further support digestion and give the pudding a pleasant warmth. Overall, this recipe is a good option for a healthy and balanced diet that meets the needs of the Beken type.

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  • 1 heaped tablespoon of choco:MAGIC powder

  • 250 ml almond milk (or another plant milk of your choice)
  • Optionally, mix the milk with 2-3 pitted dates beforehand.
  • 3 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1 small banana
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
  • 1 pinch of chili
  • 1 tablespoon chopped almonds or walnuts for the topping
  • fruit slices for garnish

Here's how it's done:

  1. Mix: Stir choco:MAGIC powder with cinnamon and a pinch of chili into plant milk until smooth. (Optionally, mix the milk with 2-3 dates beforehand.)

  2. Sources: Add chia seeds, stir and chill for 2 hours or overnight.
  3. To serve: Top stirred pudding with nuts and banana slices.
  4. Note: Ideal as a nutritious start to the day or as a snack in between

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