Festliche no:COFFEE Energiekugeln mit Edelkakao - besonders geeignet bei hohem Lung (Wind)

Festive No: Coffee Energy balls with noble cocoa - particularly suitable for high lung (wind)

This recipe is particularly balancing for the Lung type as it offers a good balance of nutrients and flavor. The almonds provide healthy fats and protein, while the date paste provides natural sweetness and fiber. The dried apricots add additional sweetness and a fruity flavor. The addition of no:COFFEE gives the recipe a pleasant coffee aroma and can energize the Lung type and help promote clear alertness.


  • 100 g almonds
  • 150 g date paste
  • 2 scoops no:COFFEE
  • 30 g dried soft apricots
  • 1 tbsp fine:COCOA BEANS ground

Here's how it's done:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
  2. Bake the almonds for 10 minutes and let them cool briefly in the oven.
  3. Grind the almonds, put them in a bowl and knead them with the date paste and the apricot pieces to form a dough.
  4. Mix the ground cocoa beans with no:COFFEE, form the dough into balls and roll them in the cocoa-no:COFFEE mixture.

Tip: Tastes delicious with jamu:MAGIC or choco:MAGIC

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