Natürlich aromatisch köstlicher Kaffeeersatz für bessere Regeneration und ein nachhaltig gesteigertes Energielevel.

Barista bar

Of course, aromatic delicious coffee replacement for better regeneration and a sustainably increased energy level.


  • 100 ml HaferBARISTA
  • 80 ml of hot water
  • 2 ML no:COFFEE
  • 1 pinch noble:COCOA POWDER

Here's how it's done:

  1. Heat the oat barista, froth well and pour into a glass.
  2. Whisk 2 ml no:COFFEE with 80 ml hot water.
  3. Slowly pour into the glass with the barista foam.
  4. Sprinkle a pinch of edel:COCOA POWDER on top.

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