Protein-Schoko-Creme - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Beken (Erde) 🌍🏔

Protein-Chocolate-Cream - especially balancing for high beken (earth) 🌍🏔

The protein chocolate cream is a great option for the Beken type. It contains chickpeas, which are rich in fiber and protein and can help keep blood sugar levels stable. The soft Medjool dates serve as a natural sweetener while providing fiber and important nutrients. The edel:COCOA POWDER and the choco:MAGIC powder give the cream a delicious chocolate flavor, while the coconut oil offers a creamy consistency and provides healthy fats. The oat barista ensures the right consistency and gives additional nutrients. The pinch of salt rounds off the flavor, while the maple syrup provides a pleasant sweetness. Overall, this chocolate cream is a delicious and healthy alternative to conventional chocolate spreads that fits perfectly into a balanced diet for the Beken type.

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  • 160 ml Oat Barista
  • 250 g chickpeas (cooked, from a jar)
  • 5-6 soft Medjool dates (approx. 80g)
  • 30 g of noble:COCOA POWDER
  • 30 g choco:MAGIC
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • A dash of maple syrup
  • A pinch of salt

Here's how it's done:

  1. All Puree the ingredients (without coconut oil) in a blender until you have a fine cream, then stir in the liquid coconut oil.
  2. If the cream is too solid during the mixing process, simply add a little more Oat Barista.

Tip: Fill the delicious cream into a screw-top jar and put it in the fridge, chilled it tastes They are particularly tasty. Whenever you feel like a healthy alternative to Nutella, grab it. This will satisfy your craving for chocolate cream 100% without feeling guilty afterwards.

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