Himbeer-Süßkartoffel-Brownie - ausgleichend für den Konstitutionstyp mit hohem 🔥(Tripa)

Raspberry-sweet potato brownie - balancing for the constitutional type with high🔥(Tripa)

This recipe is especially balancing for high tripa types. The sweet potato and dates provide a sweet and comforting component, while oat flour provides a solid base. The raspberry powder provides additional flavor and antioxidants, while hemp seeds provide a good source of protein. Frozen berries and shredded coconut serve as refreshing toppings. Overall, this recipe is a balanced and nutritious option to calm the fire of the tripa type.


  • 1 sweet potato (approx. 350 g raw)
  • 150 g date paste or soaked and blended Medjool dates
  • 1 tbsp cashew butter
  • 180 g oat flakes (ground)
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 45 g raspberry powder
  • 350 ml of water
  • 20 g peeled hemp seeds
  • coconut flakes and frozen berries of your choice

Here's how it's done:

  1. Halve the sweet potato lengthways, cook in the oven until soft and peel (approx. 30 minutes at 180 degrees)
  2. Blend the soft sweet potato with 350 ml of water to a puree. If you are using whole dates, remove the seeds and blend them in at the same time.
  3. Mix ground oat flakes with baking powder and hemp seeds, add cashew butter and sweet potato mash and mix everything into a smooth dough.
  4. Spread into a dish greased with coconut oil, sprinkle with frozen berries of your choice and coconut flakes and bake for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Allow to cool, cut into pieces and enjoy.

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